“No good deed goes unpunished
— Oscar Wilde


What do you do at MSA? Director of Architecture, Architect of Record for all projects at MSA

How long have you been working at MSA? 8 Years

What is your favorite moment at MSA? My first day

What does MSA mean to you? A workplace that has a family like atmosphere

What is your long-term goal and/or short-term? Help MSA grow as an architecture firm

What do you do on your free time? Play music, enjoy the outdoors, cooking

What is your favorite or best trip? Europe 2022

Favorite book? Michael Pollan, Omnivores Dilemma

Favorite movie? Once upon a time in Hollywood

Netflix or Disney plus? Netflix

What or who inspires you? Nature

What is your true passion? Design

Sunset or sunrise? Sunrise

Dog or Cat? Plant

Phone Call or Text? Text

Pen or Pencil? Pencil

High-tech or Low-tech? Both

Coffee Cup or Thermos? Coffee Cup

Classical or Modern? Folk

Online Shopping or Shopping in a Store? Online Shopping